An industrial power plant at sunset

Qualified Electrical Worker (QEW) Training

Are you looking for qualified electrical worker training for your team? FCS can help. We offer practical and tailored training programs. Contact us.

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Qualified Electrical Worker (QEW) Training

Our Qualified Electrical Worker Training Program

Energized electrical equipment can pose potential risks to the safety of the personnel involved and the efficiency of your operations when mishandled. As a result, ensuring that your employees have the necessary skills, experience, and knowledge of safety work practices is crucial to minimizing those risks. 

FCS can help ensure your team is well-equipped to handle the electrical equipment in your organization. We provide qualified electrical worker training tailored to your plant’s specific equipment, tasks, and budget. Our programs are designed to cover the key aspects of electrical work, from identifying potential safety hazards with arc flash training to keeping your personnel up to date with the current regulations.

Two plant workers wearing hard hats, completing training courses on a computer screen

Regulations for Electrical Worker Training

While qualified electrical worker training is essential for your employees and your plant, there are also several regulations from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and other organizations that facilitate the necessity of this training. Some of the specific regulatory standards requiring QEW training include: 

  • NFPA 70E: The NFPA 70E standard for electrical safety in the workplace details requirements for individuals to have the skill, knowledge, and training to be qualified to work on and around electrical equipment. 
  • OSHA Standard 1910.332: OSHA standards highlight that qualified persons require training to work on energized equipment directly or with tools involved.  
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Benefits of FCS’s Electrical Worker Training Program

At FCS, we provide comprehensive, hands-on QEW training that is fully customizable to your needs. Our solutions target your plant’s unique requirements to ensure the best results. Here are a few benefits of entrusting FCS with your qualified electrical worker certification needs:

Improper work on electrical equipment can cause accidents that lead to injuries. Our QEW training program can educate employees on the appropriate safety practices for handling electrical hazards. Prioritizing training is essential for maintaining a safe work environment and minimizing accidents.

A certified electrical safety worker with the proper training has the skill to handle electrical accidents and is also trained to identify and prevent them. Our program will train qualified electrical workers to identify potential risks by understanding equipment parts and voltage, conducting inspections, risk assessments, and more.

When employees can anticipate risks, such as an arc flash, they can take the necessary steps to prevent potential electrical hazards.

FCS QEW training is based on the current NFPA and OSHA regulations. The training can help your employees understand and comply with those standards. In addition to improving safety, meeting regulations can help your organization avoid lawsuits or legal liabilities, financial losses, and possible damage to your reputation.

With the proper training, employees will have the skills to work safely and productively. Your team will be able to prevent and minimize accidents as well as property damage caused by electrical failures. By doing so, they can reduce the downtime that usually occurs due to injury or property damage and ensure operations continue running smoothly.

QEW Training Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about QEW training:

QEW programs often involve training on the construction and operation of electrical equipment as well as safety based on regulatory standards. The topics covered can vary depending on your staff and plant, including work safety practices, risk assessments, personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements, arc flash training, and more.

Any employee who works with or is directly exposed to electrical equipment should receive training. It can also help to examine OSHA regulations for qualified electrical workers to determine which employees require training based on their roles.

Qualified Electrical Worker (QEW) Training

Choose FCS for Reputable Electrical Worker Training

Contact us online to learn more about our custom electrical worker training solutions and how we can help elevate the safety and overall efficiency of your plant.